Hon. Gen. Secretary’s Message

Mr. Pankaj Bhai Sanghvi
Hon. Gen. Secretary and President (Board of Trustees)
Knowledge enhances one’s character and personality. It is the knowledge which enlightens the mind and soul. Knowledge is not just acquiring a degree, it opens one’s mind. A student is like a hermit who by his/her intellect, vision and wisdom approaches the ladder of success. Therefore they are able to face the challenges of present and future prospects. Student show path and awaken the society as the Sun awakens the universe. Student should have the perseverance of the earth and the sweet fragrance of their deeds everywhere.
The college made an honest attempt so that standard of education can be duly enhanced.I sincerely wish all success to this college and bright and rewarding future to the students.
Chairman’s Message

Mr.Ramesh Bhai Shah
Today’s business world needs specialists, hence our motto is not just to award a degree, rather we design and help our students in implementing their own success plan. Every student is personally guided in their own entrepreneurial abilities to be able to work anywhere globally or start their own business.
We have a wide range of curriculum, ultra modern facilities along with our eminent faculty. Students are also exposed to industry visits campus placements all of which create a fantastic learning experience to make us all proud.
I wish all of you to wake up to a fresh approach to learning.
Principal’s Message

Dr. Govind Singhal
Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education. Education is the anchor that holds life together in changing your social and economic needs. Hard work, inner strength character enhances our personality and makes a person unique and talented. Embrace your personality and channelize your inner strength. This educational institution, gives its students the best opportunity, experience, knowledge, innovation to reach the top ladder of success. So let’s take the next step to increase the surface area of possibilities.
We are all born with a divine fire in us so our effort should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with your challenges and determination.
WVI Convenor Message

Mr. Rajesh Bhai Dharamsi
WVI Convenor
Today’s business world needs specialists, hence our motto is not just to award a degree, rather we design and help our students in implementing their own success plan. Every student is personally guided in their own entrepreneurial abilities to be able to work anywhere globally or start their own business.
The wide range of our curriculum, ultra modern facilities, industry visits along with our eminent faculty all create a fantastic learning experience to make us all proud.
I wish all of you to wake up to a fresh approach to learning.